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Wineries in Lebanon
Lebanon Wine Lebanon Wine Lebanon Wine Lebanon Wine Lebanon Wine
Lebanon Wine Lebanon Wine Lebanon Wine Lebanon Wine Lebanon Wine
Chateau Kefraya  

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Lebanon - Wine Information



Pouring Wine

Still wines is best to be poured towards the center of the glass, while sparkling wines should be poured against the side, like a beer, so that unwanted bubbles do not show up. One important issue is to allow swirling and smelling the wine. a glass should be filled no more than two-thirds. Of course, a glass can always be refilled if desired.

Serving Wine

When you have guests, start serving to the women and older guests first, then the men. You should serve your own glass at the end.

Regarding the type of glass to use:

First the glass should be transparent so that your guest would see, and examine the color of wine.

Second, the type and shape of the glass used for serving wine affects the pleasure of enjoying and tasting the wine. Various types of wine must be served in specific glasses. Mainly three types of wine glasses are well recognized:

Glass shaped like a tulip for White Wine.

Rounded with large bowl for Red Wine.

Tall and thin for Sparkling Wine.








Information From the Ministry of Tourism

Lebanese Ministry of Tourism

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